Miner is an Open Source command-line interface for downloading and managing public and open data written in Python

Version 0.1.0

Get rapid access to public and open data

No more need to worry about trying to get access to obtuse, difficult to access public data (*achem* U.S. Census)

Miner allows you to download and install (into a data store of your choice, with support beyond SQL on the way) public and open data to your server or computer. Now, you can automatically grab a copy of any data you need without having to figure out new, obtuse data formats. Miner does it all for you.

Every dataset is represented by a Map. Maps lead you to data treasure! From the command line, you can search for maps (dig), describe basic information about the dataset (assay), and install a dataset to your preferred data store (extract). If there's not a Map available yet for the dataset of your choice, worry not! It is really easy to make your own Map--often, very little programming skill is even required.

Miner is super easy to install and use. We wrote it in Python 2.7, so it should work out of the box on Mac OS X and most Linux distros. If you are on Windows and haven't set it up yet, Python is pretty easy to install. If you use SQLite as the datastore, that's all you need to install. Follow our installation instructions to get started.


Also, see our installation instructions.

Version 0.1.0 (pre-alpha)


Miner is an open source project. We really welcome any contributions you have: new maps, code, documentation, tutorials, issue tracking, and anything else you can imagine.

If you'd like to help, get in touch!

Development workflow

The main development happens on Github. To contribute, fork the main repo, branch off a feature branch from develop, make your changes and commit them, push to your fork and submit a pull request for ether/develop.

Once in a while we merge develop into master, which results in a new release. This means you will always find the latest stable version in the master branch.


Get in touch